Nature is the best teacher. Everything that is part of Nature is self replenishing and it follows its own pattern. Left to itself Nature can take care and man seems only a burden to it. When I was a child I used to feel sorry for the deer and curse the lion for hunting it down. Now I feel that even the lion, tiger is all a part of food cycle. Everything in Nature has a purpose and when looked as a whole is so fascinating. Men with ignorant minds take Nature for granted and end up bringing harm to themselves. Below are certain aspects of it which are the best teachers for man in terms of quality.
Stone: Just as the stone bears everything with patience and does not react to external situations.
Tree: Is a symbol of selflessness. The tree only lives for the sake of other creatures. It gives shade, flowers, fruits etc . It also teaches us to broaden ourselves. One must strengthen the roots and prepare hard in order to grow tall.
Sea: Life in general has highs and lows. All is not always sweet and easy.
Bees and ants: Symbols of Hardwork and teamwork. They do not rest till their goal is achieved.
Birds: Soars high. Pushing the limits. Each bird has a unique quality. Some symbolise freedom, some love, care, hardwork, alertness, contentment etc
Above are just a few cases. Each rock, each seed, each particle, everything in this universe has a lesson to teach us. They lead by example. It is upto us to take the clues and make ourselves and our lives worth living.