The previous post dealt with the importance of knowledge and how we must constantly keep learning to progress in life. But the question now arises 'Is knowledge alone sufficient in life?' Just by knowing what to do can the thing be done? Someone is suffering right in front of us and we know that the person has to be admitted in hospital and given emergency treatment but is knowing alone enough? There must be some kind of action taken right? Therefore learning alone is not enough, there must be application of the true learning to the right kind of action.
Again what is 'true learning' and the 'right kind of action'? These terms are so vague. We must first have a concrete purpose in life. Just wanting to seek pleasure in life, always be happy and peaceful is expecting the outward circumstances to act according to the satisfaction of our ego. The external circumstances can never be changed, only our attitude towards it can be changed. We must try to be least affected by the outward happenings and realise that the happiness and peace is purely internal. Now coming to true learning. True learning is learning and absorbing something without judgement, critisicm, accepting everything as it is, i.e. be like the witness to it. For example: When we read a news item in the paper, say, a bomb blast, our anger surges, our whole day is spoilt by thinking and imagining the number of deaths and at the same time fearing for our own safety. Another typical example is when we hear someone gossip or talk ill of another person, we believe them to be true. This greatly influences how we build relationships. Then comes the 'right kind of action'. This is somewhat the consequence of true learning. It means doing something without getting affected by the consequences of it. Lord Krishna has said 'Act but do not cling onto the fruits of it'. For example: helping a person without expecting anything in return.
What happens when we do get attached and affected by learning and the actions we perform? The minute we get attached to something we learn or perform is the minute we stop learning, stop progressing. If we want to be always happy and peaceful we must keep progressing.
It all seems such a difficult task. Our mind is so hard to control how can we learn without forming ideas or opinions? How can we perform action without expecting the fruits of it? Shouldn't there be some incentive? How can an employee work for free in an organisation? The whole thing about right action, true learning is so out of reach especially when it comes to leading our daily lives.
So there is that extra special something. That which solves all our problems. Long long ago, the earth was inhabited by only sages and rishis. For them knowledge alone was sufficient. They survived on air and gained great yogic power by doing sadhana and meditation. Slowly as time went by these sages began to create organisms on the earth and Nature dominated them. Man slowly deviated from knowledge and began to be under the control of nature. Nevertheless, he performed actions with sincerity and began to do extreme amounts of hardwork which itself led to his fulfillment in life.
With the progress of time, man began to think ways to reduce his effort. He created machines and gradually developed qualities of laziness and for every action he expected something in return. He became greedy, jealous and thats how men fought wars and sank into great depths of sorrow. To go back to the rishi-muni state would be near impossible for him now. So again there is only that extra special solution to the problem. Can you guess what it is? (to continue...)
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