Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013: The Year of Surrender

2013: The Year of Surrender.

To My Dearest Lord!

I write this post to you as a declaration and a complete consecration of all my assets and liabilities, of all that I own and all that I ever hope for. I feel as if I am nothing in comparison to this vast and magnificent universe. More and more, I am starting to feel that everything is predecided and  I am an actor in this play of which you are the director, the producer in charge of everything. You are the Kartha and the Kaaran, the doer and the thing to be done. The past, the present and the future. All that is known and yet to be known. You are my guide, the best of all friends, my philosopher, my mother, my father, my sibling, my soulmate, all my well-wishers, relatives, everyone I see and admire.

My country India is in trouble. It is surrounded by unfriendly neighbours and is held by asuric forces. Please protect my motherland.  Help it to rise and open to your golden grace and protection.  Help it to be a leading spiritual torch to the world. Please deliver and relieve it from all evil. Help the citizens of my country to rise for there is need for a revolutionary change in the system. I hereby surrender my whole country, the city in which I live in, the electricity problem, the Kaveri water issue, all the farmers woes and worries, the food shortage, price rise, the pain and suffering of the poor, the negligence and lack of concern of the rich and moneyed, the job market, the economy, terrorism, everyday battle to earn a living, social media like facebook, twitter, the workings and non working of the government, businesses, profits, losses, intellectuals, youth, senior citizens, uneducated, unemployed, deserts, forests, rivers, wildlife, the flora the fauna, culture, belief and traditions, all celebrations, festivities and times of despair, the sincere workers as well as the rule breakers and even the tourists who visit my country. The audacity, vulgarity, perversity, disrespect, inequality, racist and caste feelings, everything to mention and not to be mentioned, everything I place them at your feet.

My family-So Supportive, understanding. How can I ever thank you? Especially my mother who knows me inside out, my preferences, my likes, my dislikes and who loves me unconditionally. Without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today. A mother not only gives birth, but is a person whom one can turn to at all times. My father!, who is my guide, my teacher, my financier, my guiding Light, who becomes happy when I am happy and who consoles me when I am in tears and who takes responsibility for all my actions.  Let this year be the most profitable year for my parents in terms of health and prosperity. Their happiness is my sole aim and when I serve them I serve you. 

My sister turns ten this year. Please help her to make the bet use of her childhood years. Let her not waste time watching meaningless programs on TV. Let that urge and stupidity die with me. She has got a lot of friends, teachers love her, her speaking and writing skills are excellent. Please do help her to make full use of her capacity and capabilities. Let her be surrounded by good companions who are ready to help her and guide her at every stage.  To start with, I offer all my sisterly feelings that I have got towards her to you. Please help me change my attitude towards her and set an outstanding example for her to follow. Let not my failures and mistakes affect her. Help her to grow tall and reach the highest shelf in the room cupboard. Give her all your energy, confidence and your protection.

My friends, my well wishers, my critics, those who think good as well as evil of me, those who misunderstand me, those showers of praises, that storm of insults, every word-remarks and comments spoken in front of me, behind me, every good and evil intention and opinion that people have of me,  let that not go into my head, I place them at your lotus feet.

Those, whom I think about, I care as well as not care, who occupy my thoughts in sleep as well as in wake, those whom I fear, dread, detest, those whom I hurt knowingly and unknowingly, those whom I take for granted, those whom I crave, all those people are forever and only yours. Let me not possess their lives.
Everything starting from the smallest drop of water, to the most elephantine of my possessions which you have placed under my trust, I surrender and offer them to you.  Let me neither get attached to them nor ill-treat them. In the past, I have foolishly vented my frustration and anger on them by mishandling and throwing them around.  Let me treat things with gentle care and affection for they are yours and a symbol of your omnipresence.  Overspending, hoarding and wastage are foreign to your temper and must be at all costs, completely avoided.

Now comes the most important part. I hereby surrender each and everything that I do, each step I take, each word I speak, my errors and so-called achievements, each of my thoughts and feelings-positive, neutral and negative, especially jealousy, envy, ego, arrogance, laziness, anger, irritation, intolerance, doubts, fear, suspicion, opinions, judgement, habits, addiction, obstinacy, stubbornness, passion, lust, craving, worry, anxiety, inhibitions. I completely open myself to you. All the openings of my body are open to you. My cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, hormones, each and every tiny chemical reaction, the workings of my brain, my stupidity and intelligence, my laughter and tears, take everything and everything. Leave nothing to me. It belongs to you always and shall work only as per your will.

Help us all to overcome all our barriers-hurdles, trials and tribulations. Let this year 2013 be the most progressive and fruitful of all the years.

The whole of my lifetime shall be and only be dedicated to your service.                                                                                                                                         
                                                                             With a heart full of gratitude,   
                                                                                       Your loving child.


  1. I am sorry to have been privy of your communication with the lord, but i could not resist telling you how much i appreciate your words.
    I applaud your devotion, love, and honesty with which you write.

    A sincere thank you from a stranger who chanced upon your blog.

    1. Thanks Mr. Ganesh. Very sweet of you and best wishes for you to have a great year ahead.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you and may your brilliance ever shine.

    1. Share your experiences that happened any year during the month of March in my latest post.
