Saturday, December 21, 2013


It has been such a wonderful year for me. So many changes in my life. It is truly irresponsible for not having updated my blog. Even now I do not know what to write. Loss for words you might say. Today I got the time(and mind) to at least say this that I am finally back after such a long gap..Phew! 

When I decided to blog I had wanted to post at least twice a month so 24 posts in a year on an average. But this year 2013 has been below average(on the posting front only not otherwise ;-)). 

So what was I busy with? Nothing in particular. I got married on Sep 9. My soul got linked or united with another through the chanting of vedic mantras. The ceremony went well. As for me, I didn't have much preferences, everything was decided by my parents. 

I met so many new people. I learn't-(a few tips from grandma, ma, ma-in-law) and  I am still learning to cook. I am discovering that I have an interest in cooking. But not to the extent of cooking all day and doing nothing else and I hate dishes with too many details. I prefer mix everything and wallah!- ready. I am learning and slowly adjusting to a new life away from parents. I visit them once a week on an average. I have discovered that I am utterly butterly lazy and the worst part is my partner is lazy too. Thankfully we both are lazy to do different things- our priorities are different so that sets the balance.

I had written on a diary the list of topics I would like to post on. I don't know where that is now.  :-(. Dislocation, Relocation, Mismanagement, Disorganisation is the order of the day. Half the things I own are junk and meant to be given away and the other half are in many places where I can't remember. My mom had once told me.. "You will know how you are when you lead a life on your own! You will surely find it difficult." Yup! she is right as always. But I am somehow managing thanks to the principle of "minimal things, minimal size, lead life simple" Of course all the junk is elsewhere namely our parents house.

On the work front, some odd famous company is eating up twelve hours of my day. But I am giving to it gladly. I love my job. I love working there. Its a great feeling. The feeling of economic independence. Its almost like having a second backbone. Its not only about that. Its about learning so much at your workplace and in accomplishing the tasks successfully. It is slowly becoming my passion. I even blog there and read and comment on others blogs whenever time and mood permit. 

Need I say more. I will continue to keep posting. Have a great season!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I have spent many sleepless nights crying, worried sick. I have sunk into the deepest, darkest and deadliest of all depressions. Failures, inhibitions, losses are so temporary. It would have been a case of permanent mental and physical illness if you had not been there to wake me up, to help me rise and see the sunshine. Thank You, My Lord!

Sometimes I feel so lonely, so alone and unable to fit into the system, even when I am surrounded by so many people. I just feel so awful when I think that I am left alone to face this terrible battle called life against a million opposing forces. But then you somehow come to my rescue. You are my hero charioteer and give me new hope, energy, courage and strength. All I do is just call out to you and you instantly come. Thank You, My Lord!

I commit so many sins, mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. So many tiny, miserable creatures die under my clumsy feet everyday. I have been rude and mean to so many people. Yet, you are so kind and considerate towards me and you are always ready to protect me just by the mere utterance of your name. How fortunate am I to receive such mercy. Thank You! My Lord!

When I am hungry, you feed me. When I am cold you gift me a blanket and a cupboard full of clothes. When I am happy or sad, you smile and reassure me that you are always present. You quench my thirst, give me clean water to drink and bathe, clean air to breathe. Above all, you give me the discriminating capacity-the capacity to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. When I need you the most, you come to me as a thought, a flash of lightening, a bright spark of idea. What did I do, to receive such a blessing? What will I do to repay you? You struggle, suffer, hope and endure all for me. Will everything get settled by just a mere thank you. I know not!

I am nothing. I know nothing. I see nothing. I am just a lazy old fool. Everything I have been getting throughout, solely belongs to you. I am uselessly clinging on to objects when I should instead be dedicating them all to you. 

You do all the things I ask as well as things unimaginable, things which I cannot even dream of asking. Yet I am forever discontented with mind and heart full of greed, dissatisfaction and petty desires. And still yet, you do not punish me. You are so steady and smiling with your kind eyes, looking at me always, shielding me always. 

I only have my ego, my useless stupid thoughts to give you. Take them. Take them all. I place them at your feet. Just one thing I ask of you. Give me gratefulness, give me the realisation, give me the mind which is only filled with thoughts about you, your smile, your kindness, your peace and this way let me fulfill the purpose of my life. Thanks again. Thank you, my sweet  Lord!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

It happens...

  • Out of a collection of n similar looking boxes I always open the wrong one at least n-1 times to search for the thing I want.
  • Out a bunch of keys, never will I choose the correct key when I try to urgently unlock the door.
  • When on the telephone and want to urgently note down a number, the pen and paper will always be at an uncomfortable distance from you.
  • Out of a stack of clothes, the top one always get to be used the most, as they say old faded clothes are the most comfortable.
  • I feel as if I haven't slept for days just before the day of the exam and opening the book for the first time. The more the portions the more the sleep. Once I even fell down unconscious and I thought I had died.
  • Always freshen up and comb your hair before you sleep. God knows whom you will meet in your dreams.
  • Out of a list of n things to do, well planned according to priority, always a task of least priority and not in the list gets done first.
  • Rain will come on those days when I don't carry the umbrella or raincoat thinking its sunny and sky is clear.
  • Always the person whom you don't want to meet or interact will pop in front of you completely surprising and embarrassing you.
  • The minute one is required to do an important task is the minute one would want to use the toilet.
  • You really want to test whether prayers work, just ask God, "I want more challenges!". That prayer never goes unanswered.
  • Thoughts are divided into two disjoint sets-PAST and FUTURE. Both consume you and drain away your energy. Never give way, they pull you away like the sea. Act, Act don't let your mind wander. In short idle man's brain is a devil's workshop.
  • You might wear costly make-up or even buy a Belgian mirror but you can never see how you look with closed eyes in front of the mirror. So there is more to life and you.
  • The joy you get when something strikes you at the right time.We work hard and pay hefty sums for our education just to have that little thing-PRESENCE OF MIND.
  • When you're angry, your bass and treble automatically gets set to the maximum, please switch to manual mode instead of auto-mode.
  • More than 95% of the troubles will be avoided, if you just step back and ask yourself, is this really what I want to do/be in life.
  • My dad's quote: "Happiness and contentment comes only in giving, expectations, frustrations, disappointment come if you want to only keep receiving." 
  • My mom's quote: "The worst punishment you can give to a person who hurts you a lot is to completely ignore them and not think about them at all."
  • My favourite story: "Once a king employed a very talented mason to build a palace for him. The mason who was very proud to have got the contract built the most exquisite for the king. The king was extremely happy with his work but he neither praised him nor paid him for his hard work. The king kept on extracting more and more work from the mason. This made the proud mason really angry and he thought "I am no slave!". Once the king called the mason and said, "This is your last task. Build this mansion for me." The mason decided to seek his revenge and he wasted all the materials given to him and constructed the most pathetic mansion ever which had leaks and holes everywhere and not fit to even enter inside. The mason stood before the king and said, "Your mansion is over!". The king was so happy and said, "Here is the key. Take it. Its all yours for the hard work you have done for me."
  • Another of my favourite stories. A man asked God that he wanted to win 1crore in the lottery. After waiting 3 months he got extremely frustrated and asked God with tearful eyes about why he didn't win. What kind of a God are you? And God said, you would have won, had you even thought of buying the ticket!  
  • I like Dumbledore's quote: ""Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it."

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I wake up in the morning
Breathing heavily
Feeling hot and sweating hard
What did I just dream?

I stop to think
These roads are never ending
Full of twists and bending
Where am I heading?

I am out of breath
Thoughts clouded and confused
Hammer my head open
What did I just say?

I get an inspiration
Like a flash of light
Swallowing the darkness
Why didn't it strike me before?

I get a feeling
Why should things happen suddenly?

Birth, Life and Death
Are but a process
A part of a greater plan
Well laid out and structured.

Yes I accept.
Surprises, Shock Waves and Flashes
Too are well planned
If not by me
By someone else!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hey! March.

March is one of the most beautiful months of the year. It is the start of the spring-summer season. Skies are clear giving way to hot, humid nights and the increasing demand for air conditioners. March is also the month to begin on new projects especially construction activities. To forget not, it the end of the financial year and closing of accounts and busiest and the most stressful time for accountants. 

To me, March is the time to make decisions. I don't know, may be the weather or something, you can never feel lazy during this month. See even I couldn't resist the temptation to post in my blog being usually too lazy to type. Those who have slept for the first two months of the year suddenly wake up in a crisp morning of March and say 'Hey, already a quarter of the year is over, I must buck up and achieve something!' Either the person signs up for classes or decide to go for a job or fix some small goals and tasks and try to work on them. 

For students especially, this is the tension period. Yes! BOARD EXAMS!! Very mention of the word scares me even today. I even remember the dates. 1st March-Chemistry, 3rd March English, 6th March Maths, 9th March Physics and 21st March Biology and all in the afternoon session 1:00 to 4:00. I remember resolving with a few of my friends never to touch Physics again in my life. They kept up their promise but I had to suffer as I had two semesters of Physics having taken up B.Sc. Maths. These exams are capable of draining out the little interest you have in the subject.

You either love or hate the month of March but you can't ignore it. Please do add some of your own experiences that happened to you during this month in the comments column.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Come rain or shine

Come rain
Or shine

Come thunder
Or lightening

Come sweet
Or sour

Come hills
Or plains

Come white
Or black
Or even grey

Never go astray
Keep moving on

Keep doing
Your job,

Never forget
Your purpose,
Of Life!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013: The Year of Surrender

2013: The Year of Surrender.

To My Dearest Lord!

I write this post to you as a declaration and a complete consecration of all my assets and liabilities, of all that I own and all that I ever hope for. I feel as if I am nothing in comparison to this vast and magnificent universe. More and more, I am starting to feel that everything is predecided and  I am an actor in this play of which you are the director, the producer in charge of everything. You are the Kartha and the Kaaran, the doer and the thing to be done. The past, the present and the future. All that is known and yet to be known. You are my guide, the best of all friends, my philosopher, my mother, my father, my sibling, my soulmate, all my well-wishers, relatives, everyone I see and admire.

My country India is in trouble. It is surrounded by unfriendly neighbours and is held by asuric forces. Please protect my motherland.  Help it to rise and open to your golden grace and protection.  Help it to be a leading spiritual torch to the world. Please deliver and relieve it from all evil. Help the citizens of my country to rise for there is need for a revolutionary change in the system. I hereby surrender my whole country, the city in which I live in, the electricity problem, the Kaveri water issue, all the farmers woes and worries, the food shortage, price rise, the pain and suffering of the poor, the negligence and lack of concern of the rich and moneyed, the job market, the economy, terrorism, everyday battle to earn a living, social media like facebook, twitter, the workings and non working of the government, businesses, profits, losses, intellectuals, youth, senior citizens, uneducated, unemployed, deserts, forests, rivers, wildlife, the flora the fauna, culture, belief and traditions, all celebrations, festivities and times of despair, the sincere workers as well as the rule breakers and even the tourists who visit my country. The audacity, vulgarity, perversity, disrespect, inequality, racist and caste feelings, everything to mention and not to be mentioned, everything I place them at your feet.

My family-So Supportive, understanding. How can I ever thank you? Especially my mother who knows me inside out, my preferences, my likes, my dislikes and who loves me unconditionally. Without her I wouldn’t be the person I am today. A mother not only gives birth, but is a person whom one can turn to at all times. My father!, who is my guide, my teacher, my financier, my guiding Light, who becomes happy when I am happy and who consoles me when I am in tears and who takes responsibility for all my actions.  Let this year be the most profitable year for my parents in terms of health and prosperity. Their happiness is my sole aim and when I serve them I serve you. 

My sister turns ten this year. Please help her to make the bet use of her childhood years. Let her not waste time watching meaningless programs on TV. Let that urge and stupidity die with me. She has got a lot of friends, teachers love her, her speaking and writing skills are excellent. Please do help her to make full use of her capacity and capabilities. Let her be surrounded by good companions who are ready to help her and guide her at every stage.  To start with, I offer all my sisterly feelings that I have got towards her to you. Please help me change my attitude towards her and set an outstanding example for her to follow. Let not my failures and mistakes affect her. Help her to grow tall and reach the highest shelf in the room cupboard. Give her all your energy, confidence and your protection.

My friends, my well wishers, my critics, those who think good as well as evil of me, those who misunderstand me, those showers of praises, that storm of insults, every word-remarks and comments spoken in front of me, behind me, every good and evil intention and opinion that people have of me,  let that not go into my head, I place them at your lotus feet.

Those, whom I think about, I care as well as not care, who occupy my thoughts in sleep as well as in wake, those whom I fear, dread, detest, those whom I hurt knowingly and unknowingly, those whom I take for granted, those whom I crave, all those people are forever and only yours. Let me not possess their lives.
Everything starting from the smallest drop of water, to the most elephantine of my possessions which you have placed under my trust, I surrender and offer them to you.  Let me neither get attached to them nor ill-treat them. In the past, I have foolishly vented my frustration and anger on them by mishandling and throwing them around.  Let me treat things with gentle care and affection for they are yours and a symbol of your omnipresence.  Overspending, hoarding and wastage are foreign to your temper and must be at all costs, completely avoided.

Now comes the most important part. I hereby surrender each and everything that I do, each step I take, each word I speak, my errors and so-called achievements, each of my thoughts and feelings-positive, neutral and negative, especially jealousy, envy, ego, arrogance, laziness, anger, irritation, intolerance, doubts, fear, suspicion, opinions, judgement, habits, addiction, obstinacy, stubbornness, passion, lust, craving, worry, anxiety, inhibitions. I completely open myself to you. All the openings of my body are open to you. My cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, hormones, each and every tiny chemical reaction, the workings of my brain, my stupidity and intelligence, my laughter and tears, take everything and everything. Leave nothing to me. It belongs to you always and shall work only as per your will.

Help us all to overcome all our barriers-hurdles, trials and tribulations. Let this year 2013 be the most progressive and fruitful of all the years.

The whole of my lifetime shall be and only be dedicated to your service.                                                                                                                                         
                                                                             With a heart full of gratitude,   
                                                                                       Your loving child.