Monday, March 25, 2013

Hey! March.

March is one of the most beautiful months of the year. It is the start of the spring-summer season. Skies are clear giving way to hot, humid nights and the increasing demand for air conditioners. March is also the month to begin on new projects especially construction activities. To forget not, it the end of the financial year and closing of accounts and busiest and the most stressful time for accountants. 

To me, March is the time to make decisions. I don't know, may be the weather or something, you can never feel lazy during this month. See even I couldn't resist the temptation to post in my blog being usually too lazy to type. Those who have slept for the first two months of the year suddenly wake up in a crisp morning of March and say 'Hey, already a quarter of the year is over, I must buck up and achieve something!' Either the person signs up for classes or decide to go for a job or fix some small goals and tasks and try to work on them. 

For students especially, this is the tension period. Yes! BOARD EXAMS!! Very mention of the word scares me even today. I even remember the dates. 1st March-Chemistry, 3rd March English, 6th March Maths, 9th March Physics and 21st March Biology and all in the afternoon session 1:00 to 4:00. I remember resolving with a few of my friends never to touch Physics again in my life. They kept up their promise but I had to suffer as I had two semesters of Physics having taken up B.Sc. Maths. These exams are capable of draining out the little interest you have in the subject.

You either love or hate the month of March but you can't ignore it. Please do add some of your own experiences that happened to you during this month in the comments column.

1 comment:

  1. i think the third para will be experienced by everyone, its a nice one keep writing more....
